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A Vibe or rotary speaker simulator pedal reproduces the sound of a rotating speaker. This is accomplished by synchronizing volume oscillation, frequency-specific volume oscillation, vibrato… Read More »Vibe

Major Ninth Chords

A dominant ninth is a dominant chord with a ninth, but that’s not what a major ninth chord is. The major ninth chord (or just ninth chord), as an extended chord, typically includes the seventh and ninth along with the basic triad structure. Thus, a Cmaj9 consists of C E G B and D . When the symbol “9” is not preceded by the word “major” or “maj”, the implied seventh is a dominant seventh—e.g. a C9 consists of C E G B♭ and D.

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Hi-Gain (descended from the more generic electric guitar amplification term high-gain) is the sound most used in heavy metal. High gain in normal electric guitar… Read More »Hi-Gain


Fuzz is intended to recreate the classic 1960’s tone of an overdriven tube amp combined with torn speaker cones. Old school guitar players (like Link… Read More »Fuzz

The Mel Bay F Chord


In Mel Bays Chord encyclopedia he shows that instead of 5 major chords their are 6 the sixth one being F. xx3211. am i just not looking right cause mel bay and this site have total differences of opinion.

Also some of his minor chords are different like on the site cm is written x3101x and mel bay has it written xx5543. Gm is written xx5333 in mel bays book

They also have fm as one of the basic minor chords written xx3111 and this site does not list an Fm at all.

What am i missing?Read More »The Mel Bay F Chord