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Boogie Woogie Guitar

Here’s a great routine that will give your hands a great workout while practicing a key rhythm found in many types of popular music. The boogie can be found in rock, blues, and even country. It’s a very simple pattern that’s pretty easy to play in open position, but as you move it up the fretboard it starts to tax your hands.Read More »Boogie Woogie Guitar

Scales 3: Major Scale In Octaves

In this session I will introduce to you a version of the major scale that spans 2 octaves and all six strings. The PDF for this session will be great to practice building speed.

In the video I perform this session’s exercise at three different tempos. Try to play along, or practice it on your own. In the video I stop at about the 12 fret, but you can keep going up the fretboard if you so desire.

Read More »Scales 3: Major Scale In Octaves

Intervals #1 (Unison And Octaves)

What are intervals?

Intervals are the distance between 2 notes. Recognizing the sound of different intervals by ear is a key part of your development as a guitarist. We’ll learn all about intervals during our practice sessions. With the ‘Ear Training’ track we’ll enhance our intervals training by being able to identify intervals by ear from any reference tone.Read More »Intervals #1 (Unison And Octaves)

Warm Up Routine

It’s usually a good idea to spend 10-15 minutes warming up- especially if you plan on doing a lot of playing. Below I’ve devised a simple warm up routine that should get you going. I’ll show you how you should run through it in the video.Read More »Warm Up Routine

Take On Me by A-Ha

There’s a quirky lead part that was originally played on a synth in this song, but here we have it transcribed for guitar. It’s fun to learn and play – perfect for all of you lead-guitarist-in-training.