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Fingerstyle Guitar: Low Melody And High Melody

In this tutorial we’ll explore low melody and high melody by studying  a rendition of the song “Danny Boy” in which we’ve applied fingerstyle. The song snippet itself isn’t hard to play or even finger, but you’ll see that there are a quite a few note-related points of interest. This is VERY common in fingerstyle guitar. You really have to understand note values and how they relate, so I decided to add that right here before everything gets too complex. Before we begin this second introduction to fingerstyle guitar, we have to learn something very important.Read More »Fingerstyle Guitar: Low Melody And High Melody

Changing Electric Guitar Strings (Fender)

Changing electric guitar strings is not that hard and something you should become comfortable doing on your own. You should change your strings on a regular basis. For example, if you start to see an oily, dirty build up on your strings then you should probably change your strings. The dirt from your hands and fingers is collected by the strings and will kill your tone.

Active players or professional players may change their strings one a week or more, especially if they are playing in public. Some players change strings just before each show.

A Word About String Gauges

Strings come in variety of gauges. The gauge of the string tells you the thickness of the strings. The lower the gauge the thinner the strings, higher gauges mean thicker strings. Most manufactures display the gauge size by the size (diameter) of the high E string (the smallest string). Typical gauges run from .008 to .012.

Read More »Changing Electric Guitar Strings (Fender)

Dani California Tab by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Difficulty: Easy

This is a fun and easy song to play, but only if you are familiar with a couple of common barre chord forms. It’s great for jamming with the band or just playing on your own. I know there’s a lot of you RHCP fans out there, so download it and play it today.

What The  Main Riff Sounds Like…

Here’s what the guitar part sounds like with guitar and bass:

Now let’s take a look at the tab…Read More »Dani California Tab by Red Hot Chili Peppers


In music, the word “breakdown” could mean one of several things. An instrumental or percussion section or interlude during a song (the term, used in… Read More »Breakdown