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What Is The Blues?

blues (blz)

  1.  A state of depression or melancholy. Often used with the.
  2. 2. A style of music evolved from southern African-American secular songs and usually distinguished by a syncopated 4/4 rhythm, flatted thirds and sevenths, a 12-bar structure, and lyrics in a three-line stanza in which the second line repeats the first: “The blues is an expression of anger against shame and humiliation” (B.B. King).Read More »What Is The Blues?

Add That “Swing” With The Common Shuffle Rhythm

Triplets are used in many styles of music including blues, rock and country. The basic shuffle rhythm is created by leaving out (resting) the middle note of each three-note triplet group. This “triplet” idea allows performers to include triplets in the melody without clashing with any rhythm patterns.

Many shuffle rhythm songs are in 12/8 time (sometimes called “swing time”) which is just like 4/4 time except with a “swing”. Here we’ll take a look at a common blues shuffle rhythm in the key of A using power chord shapes.

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