Major Arpeggios: Open Position
Here are five basic major arpeggio shapes you can play in the open position.Read More »Major Arpeggios: Open Position
Here are five basic major arpeggio shapes you can play in the open position.Read More »Major Arpeggios: Open Position
This barre chord can come in handy when you least expect it. It’s a little difficult to play at first…Read More »D Shape Barre Chord
Create a barre with your first finger on any fret. Pretend your finger is the nut of the guitar. Now use your remaining 3 fingers to… Read More »E Shape Barre Chord
You cannot play every chord in the guitar’s open position.
What if you wanted to play an F or B chord? How about an F# or Gb chord for that matter? You can’t do it without using a barred chord. There are 12 possible major chords and without barre chords you can only play 5 of them. It’s the same thing with minor chords. A barre chord is where we take a basic chord pattern and “move” it up the neck of the guitar to create different chords.
Here’s the five dominant 7th arpeggio shapes as they are found in the open position.Read More »Dominant 7th Arpeggios In The Open Position
There are 5 basic minor arpeggio shapes in the open position.Read More »Minor Arpeggios In The Open Position
The minor 6th chord is also know as the minor major sixth. It’s the same as the major 6th chord except the minor triad is used. It’s a very jazzy chord and can substitute for a minor chord. Here are it’s open position shapes.Read More »Minor 6th Chords