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“Looks That Kill” by Motley Crue

Riff Rundown

Difficulty: Easy

This riff uses power chords and a droning, palm muted open string. When you play the open A string in this riff, you’ll want to apply a palm mute with your picking hand to help muffle the sound from the string. To do this you’ll rest the heel of your picking hand lightly on the strings just before the bridge and apply a little pressure as you pick the string. This will create a slightly muffled tone for the note. When you switch to the notes on the D and G strings you’ll want to take away the palm mute to let these notes ring out like normal.Read More »“Looks That Kill” by Motley Crue

Guitar Arpeggios: An Introduction

What Is an Arpeggio?

An arpeggio is built from the notes that make up a chord, but are picked as individual notes. They may be used as fill-ins, linking melodies with chords and chord/melody. Arpeggios have their own patterns but not unlike their chord counterparts. There are 5 basic patterns for each type type of arpeggio just like there were 5 basic patterns for chords.Read More »Guitar Arpeggios: An Introduction