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Primary Notes On The D String

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Primary Notes On The D String PDF

Primary Notes On The D String

In this lesson, we’ll map out the primary notes on the D string of the guitar: D, E, F, G, A, B, and C.

Do This…

Pick up your guitar for this next part, follow the steps below and physically find each note along with us.

If we take the D string we first locate the D on fret 0 (open string) and again at the 12th fret. If use what we’ve learned so far we should be able to find where the rest of the primary notes
fall on the string:

• We’ll skip a note (to account for the sharp) and find our E note on the 2nd fret
• There are no sharps between E and F, so we can deduce that the third fret of the D string is an F
• Skip another fret for the G on the fifth fret
• Skip another fret and find A on the 7th fret
• Skip a fret to find the B- it’s there on the 9th fret
• Don’t skip a note to find the C on the 10th fret
• Skipping a fret to account for the shape and it starts all over with the D on the 12th fret