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Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright

    It has been argued that the guitar on the original version of the song, which features fast fingerstyle, was played by Bruce Langhorne, but it’s been pretty much proven that it was Dylan himself. Here’s a fascinating read on courtroom proceedings where the Langhorne vs. Dylan debate was discussed. Eyolf Østrem lays down a solid case that proves that “It Wasn’t Bruce”.

    In any case, it’s a great song to learn. It will really help you develop those finger-picking skills. I’ve broken the song up into 10 lessons, so take your time and enjoy!

    Lesson 1

    Lesson 2

    Lesson 3

    Lesson 4

    Lesson 5

    Part 6

    Part 7

    Part 8

    Part 9

    Part 10