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Pawn Shop Guitars: How To Get A Good Deal

    One of the most important things to remember when considering the purchase of pawn shop guitars, no matter where they come from, is the price. The pawnshop can be thought of as the world’s oldest financial institution. It can be traced to ancient China, when merchants would hold collateral and heirlooms in exchange for rice. Here, we will give you a little insight to not purchasing a “pig,” as pawn shops call merchandise that can’t be sold and based on luck of an inexperienced buyer.Read More »Pawn Shop Guitars: How To Get A Good Deal


      When writing music down on paper for other musicians to play the music is divided into what is called measures. The measures are divided with vertical… Read More »Measures

      Suspended Fourth Chords

        A suspended chord is a chord that creates a subtle harmonic tension by adding an extra note that sounds like it wants to resolve back to the original chord. You can hear their use in most types of music. Technically the extra note is the 4th step in the major scale replacing the 3rd. Common symbols that signify a suspended chord are “sus” and “sus4”. They’re easy to learn, because you already know the fingerings for the original chord (just take the “sus” off and you have the original chord).

        Play the E chord below and then add your 4th finger to the second fret
        of the 3rd string. Do you hear how it sounds like it wants to resolve
        back to the regular E chord? As a general rule you should always please
        the ear by resolving the suspended chord back to the original chord.

        Read More »Suspended Fourth Chords