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Jazz is a musical movement which dominated the 1900s. It is mainly an American form and remains popular to this day. Jazz can be defined… Read More »Jazz


Although not as important as Impressionism, Expressionism was a prominent early twentieth century movement. Stylistically, expressionistic music was very atonal and dissonant. It was a… Read More »Expressionism

6/9 Chords

The 6/9 chord is a pentad in which a major triad is extended with a sixth and 9th above the root, but no seventh, thus: C6/9 is C,E,G,A,D. It is not a tense chord requiring resolution and is considered a substitute for the tonic in jazz. Its constituent notes are those of the pentatonic scale.

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Action is the strings’ playablility along the neck. Action is affected by the strings’ distance from the neck, the neck straightness, and string gauge.