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G Major Scale

The notes from the G major scale are G, A, B, C, D, E, and F#.  There’s one sharp note (F#), but all the rest of the notes are primary notes. That makes it easier to remember what notes make up the scale. Just start on G and go through the musical alphabet. We start on G- then A comes next (unless you’ve found the secret “H chord”), then B, C, and so on. The last note in the scale is the one with the sharp and that’s F# (or G flat if you prefer).

The 7th scale step in the major scale is always  a half step (or one fret) below the tonic.Read More »G Major Scale

The Art Of Memorizing Music

Playing from memory is a skill that I believe is not only possible for every player, but is indeed essential for every player. I never feel that I know a piece, or have “internalized” a piece, until I have been playing it for quite some time from memory.

I always found it quite easy to memorize pieces, and thought everyone could do this, until experience in teaching taught me otherwise. As I began to study the subject, I gradually uncovered the reasons why I found it easy, and others found it difficult. I could summarize those reasons as follows:Read More »The Art Of Memorizing Music