Step 1
We talked about major and minor chords in our previous session. Do you think you can tell the difference between the two? Try this quiz:
Step 2
The only difference between these chord types is the 3rd. In a major chord it is a major 3rd and in a minor chord it’s a minor 3rd. See if you can correctly tell them apart in the quiz below:
Step 3
Let’s work those chops!
This is a strength exercise that will workout mostly the 1st and 4th finger.
This is one full exercise, so it should be played in its entirety. I’ve broken it down into two parts for the video so that you can view the fingerings easier for each bar.
Sets and Reps
Perform this exercise at 80 bpm as:
- 1 set of 5 (rest 30 secs)
- 2 sets of 5 (rest 1 min.)
This equals 3 sets of 15 total
All bars below are using quarter notes with a few added eighth notes in there as well.
If you want a KILLER workout, use an acoustic nylon like I did. You’ll feel the burn! (Or an acoustic in general for that matter)
Bars 1 and 2 are Part I. Bars 3 and 4 are Part II.
Bar 1
(Hint – Place your 1st finger as close to the 3rd fret as possible, as well as additional fingers)
Bar 2
The “5” on the high E string simply moves to the B string in the next measure.
Bar 3
Watch for the eighth notes on the “10” on the high E!
Bar 4
The bar below contains a few pull-offs. This is performed by striking the 1st note on the pull-off, but not striking the second note. In other words, you strike the “9” and pull-off to the “5” but don’t strum it. The same applies for the second pull-off.