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Beginner Exercise 8

In this beginner exercise, we’re going to focus our fingers on using our P, I, and M while playing open position, everyday chords. Hopefully this will help you understand why at times you need to change the template for PIMA(e). As you can see in this exercise, you’ll use your thumb to play the chords, in a downward (or upward) fashion.

This is based on whatever is most comfortable to you. I didn’t show the actual arpeggio notation on the full chord because I don’t want to confuse you. If you prefer not to arpeggiate the initial full chord played, you don’t have to.

This is a mixed arpeggio run designed to test your overall coordination with the fingers mentioned.

PIMA Legend

This is a full run exercise, so we’re not taking any breaks here. Since all the patterns are arpeggiated, using various strings, this is when the world of PIMA really comes into play. Let’s see how well you do with this lesson at 60 bpm.

Play It!

Download This PTB File (60 bpm)
Download This PDF File (60 bpm)


Next: Beginner Exercise 9