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“No More Mister Nice Guy” by Alice Cooper

    Back in the day, Alice Cooper had a killer band that made musically complex shock-rock. This song is no exception. It’s a great
    little song with some really nice guitar parts in it.You may very well remember Megadeth’s remake of “No More Mr. Nice Guy”.

    1st Intro Riff

    Using triads, open strings, a slide, and pull offs, this riff is pretty
    fun to play.

    Here’s what it sounds like at full speed (122 bpm):

    Here’s the suggested fingerings for the 3 triads:

    If you can’t play this riff at full tempo, try playing along with the
    audio sample below. It’s at about 75 bpm:

    2nd Intro Riff

    After the first intro riff is played 4 times, the song moves onto the
    next theme which includes 3 guitar parts. 2 of the guitar parts are
    rhythm parts and the 3rd is a lead guitar part.

    The 1st rhythm guitar strums a Bm and E chord each for one measure
    and then repeating. You can see it labeled at the above the staff. You
    could very well play this on an acoustic as well as an electric. The
    2nd guitar part is a little more complicated. It plays around with the
    pentatonic minor in the 1st measure after the Bm barre chord is strummed
    and adds suspended 4th to the E chord in the 2nd measure. Again, with
    this riff, you can use your electric or acoustic. Unplugged Alice Cooper,

    Below are the two rhythm guitar parts:

    Here’s what it sounds like at regular tempo:

    Here are the suggested fingerings:

    Once again, here is the track at a much slower 75 beats per minute:

    Lead Guitar

    The lead guitar part requires that you are able to perform full step
    bends with vibrato. It’s a slow moving lead, so even beginner guitar
    players should be able to give it a try:

    Here’s the lead with the backing band:

    All the notes require o nly the 1st or 3rd finger. For example, for
    notes on the 9th and 10th frets use your 3rd finger and for the notes
    on the 7th frets you can use your 1st finger. When bending the notes
    on the 9th and 10th string, use your 1st and 2nd finger for support
    by placing them right behind the 3rd finger when pushing the string
    up. See the video below for more info.

    Here it is at about 75 bpm: