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Guitar Lessons – Get A Free Beginner Guitar Course

guitar lessons
Your Instructor: Kenny Mann

Dear Guitar Student,

Hi, Kenny Mann here. Would like to learn the fundamentals of guitar? For a limited time only you can get a FREE membership to my guitar course called “Step One Guitar” with guitar lessons designed for the beginner. Here’s  sample of what you’ll discover:

  • The names of the strings
  • How to read tab
  • How to play chords
  • How to tune your guitar
  • Tricks for getting around the fretboard

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User Friendly Guitar Lessons

Have you tried other online guitar courses before, only to give up in frustration because you weren’t getting into the music fast enough?

A lot of guitar teaching programs out there are just not user friendly. A lot of them spend the first several weeks going over sight reading and music theory. After that they might introduce a few chords, or maybe a scale or two. It can be months before you know any songs with that type of program! Now I’m not saying that music theory isn’t good, but unless you’re going to teach at a conservatory, it isn’t really necessary, and the process is very paper oriented and boring.

Or have you tried courses that were confusing and moved way too fast?

A lot of courses assure you that their training is great, and then just send you a booklet with pictures and diagrams that you probably could have bought for a lot less at a music store. These booklets are overly clinical and can be confusing. There is no interactive help, nowhere to go with questions, and no way to know if you’re doing it right.

We’ve Got Everything You Need Right Here

This is an exclusive site. All of the course information has been compiled and created by established guitar experts specifically for You won’t find a program with this sort of depth and range anywhere else on the Web.