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Exercises 7-9 (Single String)

Alternate Picking Exercise 7

Keep a steady picking motion during this exercise. Don’t let the notes
run into each other.

Alternate Picking Exercise 8

This one is harder than it looks. It will give your left hand a good
work out as well as develop your alternate picking. Play this exercise
until you turn blue in the face. Repeat the same pattern over and over
nonstop until your hands can’t handle it any more. Take a minute to recoup
and then do it again. When you can play it cleanly and evenly, try the
next exercise.

Alternate Picking Exercise 9

This one is a monster, but you can do it. It’s the same pattern as above,
but we’re ascending up the neck and descending down the neck. Notice that
the tablature stops at the 15th fret. If you get brave you can go all
the way up to the highest fret and then back down again.

Remember if you get frustrated while trying to play a hard exercise,
take a break for a minute and then come back and try. Tension builds up
in our neck, shoulders, hands, and arms. A lot of times when you come
back after your break the tension will be not be as intense and you might
find yourself performing the exercise 10 times better on the first try

Next: Alternate Picking Exercises 10-12