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Pentatonic Power

Here’s the diagrams that go with this video:

C Pentatonic Scale Sequence

In the diagram below you can see all 5 scale patterns in the key of C.

Notice how each pattern overlaps.

guitar scale

The Minor Versions

These 5 basic minor scale patterns are the same exact patterns for the
major scale patterns, except they are associated with different chords.
These patterns are the same thing as the 5 pentatonic minor positions,

The pictures on the left are the patterns with their suggested fingerings.
The pictures on the right are the patterns with their CAGED chord counterpart
they are associated with highlighted.

C Minor Scale Pattern

guitar scaleguitar scale

A Minor Scale Pattern

guitar scalea minor scale form

G Minor Scale Pattern

a scale formguitar scale

E Minor Scale Pattern

guitar scaleguitar scale

D Minor Scale Pattern

guitar scaleguitar scale