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CAGED Closed Position Major Arpeggio Shapes

C Shape Arpeggio

This is an F major arpeggio using the C arpeggio shape.

root on fret 1234567891011121314

A Shape

This is an F#/Gb major arpeggio using the A style pattern.

root on fret 123456789101112arpeggioA#/BbBCC#/DdDD#/EbEFF#/GbGG#/AbA

G Shape

This is an E major arpeggio using the G style pattern.

root on fret1234567891011121314
arpeggioG OpenG#/AbAA#/BbBCC#/DbDD#/EbEFF#/Gb

E Shape

This is a G major arpeggio using the E style pattern.

root on fret123456789101112

D Shape

This is a G major arpeggio using the D style pattern.

root on fret123456789101112