While drumming for Nirvana, Dave Grohl was recording original songs at home that never made it to the radio. These songs became the foundation of Foo Fighters, the band he formed in 1995 after Kurt Cobain’s death. Like Nirvana, Foo Fighters blended loud, heavy guitars with melodic elements and fused punk riffs with pop songwriting.
Start each measure by palm-muting the strings with your 1st finger on the 3rd fret of the low E string and your 4th finger on the 5th fret of the A string. Follow the timing of the audio sample. While palm-muting, ensure your pick hand rests on all strings that aren’t being played.
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
These two parts are the same, but one plays faster per measure.
Start by placing your 1st finger on the 4th fret of the B string, your 2nd finger on the 5th fret of the D string, and your 3rd finger on the 6th fret of the A string. Leave the G string open. Play this for two measures. Then, move your 1st finger to the 3rd fret of the B string and place your 3rd and 4th fingers on the 5th frets of the A and D strings. Play this for two measures.
For measure 5, play a C chord: 1st finger on the 1st fret of the B string, 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the D string, and 3rd finger on the 3rd fret of the A string. Play it twice.
In measure 6, barre your 1st finger on the 1st fret across all strings. Place your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the G string and your 3rd and 4th fingers on the 3rd frets of the A and D strings.
For measure 7, move the same finger positions from the 1st fret down to a barre chord on the 6th fret.